Secrets of Tinnitus, Laser Therapies

Tinnitus laser therapies involve low level laser therapy (LLLT) devices which emit certain wavelengths of light that can reportedly improve cochlear cellular function and induce regeneration.

There are a number of soft laser devices currently available for treating tinnitus, with Tinnitool being best recognised. In their brochure, they boast that their device ‘leads to rapid regeneration of the hearing cells, improved circulation to the cochlear, stimulation of the immune system, acceleration of cell division and activation of specific defensive cells.

The Tinnitool device is billed as 100% safe without any side effects or pain, and no expertise required to operate it. The device is fastened on to the head and a fibreglass cable transmits the laser beam into the ear.

The Tinnitool brochure quotes two studies which report that 60% of patients with tinnitus patients showed moderate to marked improvement in tinnitus after using the device.

However, a recent study conducted by the ENT department of San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy provided strong evidence that tinnitus laser therapy demonstrates no therapeutic benefit for tinnitus.

Tinnitool’s Earlaser is available from the Swiss manufacturer for EUR 330.00 ($465), or on a rental scheme which will costs EUR 229.00.
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